
Showing posts from December, 2021

13 SEO Mistakes to Avoid to Get Better Search Results in 2022

The Keyword Research Process | backlinks are one of the most important aspects of your SEO strategy, but one of the most common mistakes that new bloggers make is not doing enough keyword research. When you don’t do keyword research, you’re going to have a hard time coming up with good SEO strategies. You need to do keyword research in order to come up with good SEO strategies. You can’t come up with good SEO strategies if you don’t do keyword research. 1# Indexing underperforming pages Search engines use algorithms to determine the best pages to show in search results. One of the most important ranking factors is the amount and quality of content on a page. When your website is new, it takes time for content to rank well. But as time goes on, the best performing content usually stays on the first page or two of search results. One of the biggest challenges of owning a small business is getting good search results in the first place. It requires investing in keyword research, extensive

Best Free Android Data Recovery Software

1. Intro The Data Recovery tool market has been flooded with hundreds of apps for professional, semi-professional, and amateur computer users. The subject is vast, and the number of apps is just increasing with each passing month. One of the best ways to make sure you find a great app that will meet your needs is to use search engines like Google Play Store. In case you are a new user, here are some helpful tips for finding the best data recovery software for  Android phones: A) Searching for data recovery software for Android on Google Play Store will give you several options to choose from. Make sure to take into account the following categories: 1) Data recovery software for Android on Google Play Store that help you recover lost files from Android devices 2) Data recovery software for Android on Google Store that can restore your data to factory settings or recover deleted files from your Android device 3) Data recovery software on Google Play Store that can help you save your prec

How to Lookup Your Mac Address on Wifi

Introduction: Your computer will automatically attempt to connect to the internet via wifi when you are in range of a wireless network. To connect to a public wireless network, like one at a cafe or airport, you need to know your public (or "MAC") address. We'll show you how to lookup your mac address on wifi.   1. What is a wifi Mac Address? Your wifi Mac address is your unique identifier when connecting to a wifi network. Every device that connects to the internet has a unique Mac address, which is assigned to it by the manufacturer. This address is used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying the device when sending or receiving data, or verifying that the device is authorized to connect to the network. Knowing your wifi Mac address can be helpful if you need to troubleshoot a connection issue or want to change your network's settings.  2. Where is the Mac Address on your wifi? Your Mac address is a unique identifier assigned to your computer's net

How to determine or find your MAC address?

Any device that can connect to a network or to the Internet (PC, smartphone, tablet, TV, watch, enclosure, surveillance camera, etc.) has an identifier unique in the world: its MAC address. Here's how to get to know it. Contrary to what its name may make believe at first glance, the MAC address has absolutely no relation with Apple's famous computers, MAC being the acronym for Media Access Control. Composed of twelve hexadecimal characters, this address qualified as "physical" is used to uniquely identify any electronic object with a network interface, with or without wire, whatever its nature. Thus, all devices that can connect to a network (computer, telephone, tablet, game console, Internet box, printer, television, Wi-Fi repeater, enclosure, connected bulb, IP surveillance camera, connected watch, etc.) have at least one specific MAC address - more precisely, they have as many as network components. Obviously, there is no point in knowing by heart the MAC address

How to find the MAC address of a remote computer?

Tout appareil pouvant se connecter à un réseau ou à Internet (PC, smartphone, tablette, TV, montre, enceinte, caméra de surveillance, etc.) dispose d'un identifiant unique au monde : son adresse MAC. Voici comment la connaître. Contrairement à ce que son appellation peut faire croire de prime abord, l'adresse MAC n'a absolument aucun rapport avec les célèbres ordinateurs d'Apple, MAC étant l'acronyme de Media Access Control. Composée de douze caractères hexadécimaux, cette adresse qualifiée de « physique » sert à identifier de façon unique tout objet électronique disposant d'une interface réseau, avec ou sans fil, quelle que soit sa nature. Ainsi, tous les appareils pouvant se connecter à un réseau (ordinateur, téléphone, tablette, console de jeu, box Internet, imprimante, téléviseur, répéteur Wi-Fi, enceinte, ampoule connectée, caméra de surveillance IP, montre connectée, etc.) disposent d'au moins une adresse MAC spécifique – plus exactement, ils en ont au

Top 5 of the best wifi analysis apps for Mac in 2022?

Just because WiFi networks are now ubiquitous doesn’t mean that all Mac users are satisfied with their performance. If your WiFi network is not delivering the desired speeds, then you need to use a WiFi analyzer app to get to the bottom of the issue and figure out a way to fix it. Reasons Why You Might Need a WiFi Analyzer There are many situations when it’s useful to collect detailed information about your and / or nearby WiFi networks using a WiFi analyzer app : Discover sources of interference: Everything from other WiFi networks to Bluetooth devices to large electronic applications can emit signal-degrading interference. With a WiFi analyzer, you can discover these hidden sources and get rid of them. Solve configuration issues: For your WiFi network to deliver the best performance achievable, you need to choose the least cluttered WiFi channel available, and the best WiFi analyzers can help you find it. Find rogue APs: Hidden and malicious access points not only cause signal int

How to find the MAC address of any device?

Comment trouver le Adresse MAC depuis un autre téléphone portable. la adresse MAC (acronyme de Media Access Control), également appelé la direction physique ou adresse Ethernet / LAN, est une adresse à 12 chiffres utilisée pour identifier de manière unique chaque carte réseau présente dans les appareils connectés à Internet. Sachez qu'il peut être très utile de mieux configurer le réseau domestique, d'établir le fonctionnement d'un programme spécifique ou pour d'autres opérations. Pour connaître l'adresse MAC des PC, accédez simplement aux paramètres réseau correspondants. Et qu'en est-il des téléphones portables? Comment l'identifier et, surtout, savoir quel appareil vous ne possédez pas actuellement? Pour connaître la réponse, il vous suffit de lire ce guide sur Comment trouver l'adresse MAC d'un autre téléphone mobile. Comment trouver l'adresse MAC d'un autre téléphone mobile à partir du modem / routeur Si vous avez la possibilité d'ac